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Give it up, folks, for the Arkansas police!

07626132615_062607_HS_Skateboarders_gra.jpgEarlier today, when Seth suggested that the Arkansan geezer who shot a kid in the neck(!) for throwing rocks was overreacting and that, perhaps, he should’ve called the cops — well, I’m not so sure the Arkansan police force would’ve acted much differently. I think maybe the heat is just getting to them down South. Everybody is overreacting. Take a gander of this video, filmed in the great city of Hot Springs (great, if you like horse racing and deadly theme parks). In it, a few kids decide to do a little skateboarding. Turns out, that’s a violation of a city ordinance. You know what that means, right?

Beat down! And Jesus — was the choke hold on the chick (at the 1:50 mark) really that necessary?

The police officer in question has been place on administrative leave.

| Comments (2)


Wow, that guy's out of control. Of course I'm only writing this to ask a question for the poster: Why are you only seemingly upset about the girl getting put in a choke hold? It's unnecessary, naturally, but there -was- a boy in one, too. Where's the outrage for him?

I found this link relating to the video:


It says that the police officer is on 'administrative leave' while two of the kids are under house arrest because it is their second offence (skateboarding).

Hmmm, bylaw enforcement vs. assault and battery of two minors? Being from Edmonton, a city with consistent problems with their police force over the last few years, videos like this really get under my nerves. Equality before the law is a door that should swing both ways: that police officer deserves to go to jail for what he did.