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State Listings
Deciding to File
- Should I file for bankruptcy?
- Am I at risk for bankruptcy?
- Is it a good idea to file for bankruptcy?
- What are the advantages to filing for bankruptcy?
- What are the disadvantages to filing for bankruptcy?
- Which bankruptcy chapter should I file for?
- How much will it cost to file for bankruptcy?
- How will bankruptcy effect my credit?
- Can I keep my credit cards if I file for bankruptcy?
- Will filing for bankruptcy affect my job or my job prospects?
- What are my alternatives to bankruptcy?
- Is credit or debt counseling a good idea?
The Bankruptcy Chapters
- What is Chapter 7 Bankruptcy?
- How Long Does a Chapter 7 Bankruptcy case take?
- Who is eligible to file for Chapter 7 Bankruptcy?
- What might disqualify me from a Chapter 7 Bankruptcy case?
- What debts cannot be discharged in a Chapter 7 Bankruptcy case?
- What debts will you be able to discharge?
- If I file for Chapter 7, will my creditors stop harassing me?
- What is a Chapter 7 Trustee?
- What is a Chapter 7 Meeting of Creditors?
- How long will a Chapter 7 bankruptcy stay on my credit report?
- What is Chapter 13 Bankruptcy?
- What are your obligations under Chapter 13?
- Who is eligible for Chapter 13 Bankruptcy?
- After I file for Chapter 13 Bankruptcy, will I still owe any debts?
- What is superdischarge?
- If I file for Chapter 13, will my creditors stop harassing me?
- What is a Chapter 13 Trustee?
- What is a Chapter 13 Meeting of Creditors?
- How long will a Chapter 13 bankruptcy stay on my credit report?
- What is Chapter 11 Bankruptcy?
The New Bankruptcy Law
- What are the major changes in the new bankruptcy law?
- Will I have to take credit counseling classes before filing for bankruptcy?
- Will I be affected by the new bankruptcy law’s income restrictions?
- What is the “means test”?
- What if I’m barely over the median income for my state and want to file for Chapter 7 Bankruptcy anyway?
- How does the new bankruptcy law affect Chapter 13 filers?
- Will it be more expensive to file for bankruptcy?
- How will my property be valued?
- Is there anything good for debtors under the new bankruptcy law?
Deciding to File
Business Law
- What type of business should I set up?
- What is the easiest and cheapest type of business to setup?
- When are business owners personally liable for business debts?
- How can I protect myself from liability?
- What does it mean to pierce the corporate veil?
- What is alter ego liability?
- What business types have to make state filings and pay state fees?
- What business types have to follow strict procedural requirements?
- How can I finance my new business?
Sole Proprietorships
- What is a sole proprietorship?
- What are the advantages of setting up a sole proprietorship?
- What are the disadvantages of setting up a sole proprietorship?
- What is the owner of a sole proprietorship called?
- How do I set up a sole proprietorship?
- Can I set up a sole proprietorship without a lawyer?
- How do I set up a business name for my sole proprietorship?
- How do taxes apply to a sole proprietorship?
- What happens if a sole proprietorship is sued?
- What is a partnership?
- What are the advantages of setting up a partnership?
- What are the disadvantages of setting up a partnership?
- What is the owner of a partnership called?
- What is the charter document that creates a partnership called?
- What is the document that governs how a partnership operates?
- What are the managers of a partnership called?
- What types of partnerships are there?
- What is a general partnership?
- What is a limited partnership?
- What is a limited liability partnership?
- How do I set up a partnership?
- What state should I set my partnership up in?
- Can I set up a partnership without a lawyer?
- What is a partnership agreement?
- What should go in a partnership agreement?
- What is a statement of partnership?
- What is a certificate of limited partnership?
- How are partnerships controlled and managed?
- Does a partnership have to have meetings?
- Does a partnership have to make annual reports?
- What is a partner ledger?
- What duties do the partners have to each other?
- How do taxes apply to a partnership?
- What happens when a partner leaves the partnership?
- How do I end a partnership?
- What is a corporation?
- What are the advantages of setting up a corporation?
- What are the disadvantages of setting up a corporation?
- What is the owner of a corporation called?
- What does the owner of a corporation actually own?
- What is the charter document that creates a corporation called?
- What is the document that governs how a corporation operates?
- What are the managers of a corporation called?
- What types of corporations are there?
- What is a regular corporation?
- What is a C corporation?
- What is an S corporation?
- What is a nonprofit corporation?
- What is a professional corporation?
- What is a close corporation?
- How does the limited liability of corporations work?
- How do I set up a corporation?
- What is an incorporator?
- Can I set up a corporation without a lawyer?
- Should I set up a C corporation or an S corporation?
- How are corporations financed?
- What state should I incorporate in?
- What should I do in picking a corporate name?
- What is a registered agent?
- What are articles of incorporation?
- How many directors should my corporation have?
- What are bylaws?
- How are corporations controlled and managed?
- What do a corporation’s directors do?
- What do a corporation’s officers do?
- Do I have to register my corporation in other states?
- What formalities does my corporation have to follow?
- What is the annual meeting of shareholders?
- What is a special meeting of shareholders?
- What is an annual meeting of directors?
- What is a special meeting of directors?
- What is a share ledger?
- What reporting requirements are there for a corporation?
- How can a corporation amend its articles of incorporation?
- How can a corporation amend its bylaws?
- How do taxes apply to a corporation?
- How do I end a corporation?
Limited Liability Companies (LLCs)
- What is a limited liability company?
- What are the advantages of setting up an LLC?
- What are the disadvantages of setting up an LLC?
- What is the owner of an LLC called?
- What does the owner of an LLC actually own?
- What is the charter document that creates an LLC called?
- What is the document that governs how an LLC operates?
- What are the managers of an LLC called?
- How does the limited liability of LLCs work?
- How do I set up a limited liability company?
- What is an organizer?
- How are LLCs financed?
- Can I set up an LLC without a lawyer?
- What state should I organize my LLC in?
- What should I do in picking an LLC name?
- What is a registered agent?
- What are articles of organization?
- What is an LLC operating agreement?
- How are LLCs controlled and managed?
- What formalities does my LLC have to follow?
- What is a membership ledger?
- What reporting requirements are there for an LLC?
- Do I have to register my LLC in other states?
- How can an LLC amend its articles of organization?
- How can an LLC amend its operating agreement?
- How do taxes apply to a limited liability company?
- How do I end an LLC?
- Franchises
- Business Insurance
Business Law Definitions
- Business Law Definitions
- What is a 501(c) organization?
- What is an agent for service of process?
- What is an annual meeting of directors?
- What is an annual meeting of shareholders?
- What are articles of incorporation?
- What are articles of organization?
- What is the business judgment rule?
- What are bylaws?
- What is a C corporation?
- What is a certificate of incorporation?
- What is a certificate of limited partnership?
- What is a certificate of organization?
- What is a close corporation?
- What is a corporation?
- What is a DBA?
- What is a director?
- What is double taxation?
- What is a foreign corporation?
- What are foreign states?
- What is a franchise?
- What is a franchise agreement?
- What is a franchise offering circular?
- What is a general partner?
- What is a general partnership?
- What is an incorporator?
- What is liability insurance?
- What is a limited liability company?
- What is a limited liability partnership?
- What is a limited partner?
- What is a limited partnership?
- What is an LLC?
- What is an LLC operating agreement?
- What is a local agent?
- What is a member?
- What is a nonprofit corporation?
- What is an officer?
- What is an organizer?
- What is a partner?
- What is a partner ledger?
- What is a partnership?
- What is a partnership agreement?
- What is partnership taxation?
- What is pass-through taxation?
- What is a professional corporation?
- What is a promoter?
- What is property insurance?
- What is a registered agent?
- What is an S corporation?
- What is the Securities and Exchange Commission?
- What is a shareholder?
- What is a sole proprietor?
- What is a special meeting of directors?
- What is a special meeting of shareholders?
- What is a statement of partnership?
- What is a sole proprietorship?
- What is a unit?
Criminal Law
- Answering Police Questions - Before Arrest
Answering Police Questions - After Arrest
- What are Miranda rights?
- What happens if Miranda warnings are not given?
- Is all evidence procured due to lack of Miranda warnings excluded?
- I was read Miranda; is there any way my statements can still be excluded?
- I have been read my Miranda warnings. Should I talk to the police?
- Police asked me questions before I was arrested. Are my answers admissible?
- I voluntarily offered information before I received my Miranda warnings. Are my statements admissible?
- If I waive my Miranda rights, can I change my mind?
- Can a police officer coerce a confession out of me, even if Miranda is read?
- The Right to a Lawyer
- Booking and Bail
Driving under the Influence
- What is Driving Under the Influence?
- What are implied consent laws?
- What is a blood-alcohol test?
- What is a field sobriety test?
- Can I refuse a blood-alcohol test?
- Can I choose what type of blood alcohol test I have to submit to?
- What evidence will be used against me in a DUI case?
- If I am convicted of DUI, what will my punishment be?
- If I am charged with a DUI, should I get an attorney?
- How do I avoid a DUI conviction?
- Are sobriety checkpoints legal?
Search and Seizure Laws
- What is the Fourth Amendment?
- Are there exceptions to the exclusionary rule?
- Are all searches subject to Fourth Amendment protection?
- Is there an expectation of privacy in what you tell someone else?
- Can police search around my home without a warrant?
- Can police inspect my house with special, technological equipment without a warrant?
- Do police need a warrant to use a drug-sniffing dog to inspect luggage?
- Police have a warrant to search my home, but I am not a suspect. Do I have to allow the search?
- What is a search warrant?
- What is probable cause?
- What are sources of probable cause?
- How should a search warrant be executed?
- What is an arrest warrant?
- When is a warrant required?
- When is it okay to use deadly force?
- What happens if an officer makes a warrantless arrest?
- What are exceptions to the warrant requirement?
- What is the hot pursuit doctrine?
- Can police conduct a warrantless search if there is an imminent destruction of evidence?
- What is a search incident to an arrest?
- What is the plain view doctrine?
- What is the status quo exception?
- What is a seizure?
- Can police officers stop and frisk me?
- What is reasonable suspicion?
- What is the permissible extent of a stop and frisk?
- Can police ask questions of someone on public transportation under the Fourth Amendment?
- What is the law on traffic stops?
- If I’m stopped for a traffic violation, can the officer search me or my car?
- Can an officer order me out of my car during a traffic stop?
- If, during a traffic stop, police obtain probable cause of criminal wrongdoing, can an officer conduct a search of the car without a warrant?
- During a traffic stop, can an officer have a dog sniff around the car?
- Arraignment
Understanding Common Crimes
- What is mens rea?
- What is a strict liability crime?
- What does it mean to “knowingly” commit a crime?
- What are specific intent crimes?
- What does it mean to have acted “recklessly”?
- Who is an accomplice?
- What is the difference between murder and manslaughter?
- What is rape?
- What is the difference between burglary, robbery, and theft?
- What is a hate crime?
- What is the Patriot Act?
Divorce Law
Planning a Divorce
- What are my legal options?
- Should I consult an attorney?
- What Should I Know Before I Break the News?
- What are some other matters to consider before asking for a divorce?
- What is legal separation?
- Should I date while my divorce is still pending?
- Where can I file for divorce?
- Who should file for divorce?
- How much will my divorce cost?
- Grounds for Divorce
Dividing Marital Property
- How will a divorce court divide the marital property?
- What is a community property state?
- What is equitable division?
- How is property divided equitably?
- Once the division is set, how is it allocated?
- Will our debts be divided?
- I’m a professional. Is my degree or license subject to division?
- Who will get the house?
- Can I change my property settlement?
- What happens to property acquired after the marriage?
- What happens to property acquired while living together?
- What counts as separate property?
- What if my separate property is intermingled with the marital property?
- Can I transfer property to a friend or relative to keep it from my spouse?
Child Custody
- What is Child Custody?
- What are the types of custody?
- How does a court decide which parent gets custody?
- Does the mother have an advantage in child custody?
- Does the primary caretaker have an advantage in custody determinations?
- How much consideration do courts give the child’s preference?
- Will a parent’s sexual orientation factor into custody decisions?
- If my spouse committed adultery, will it factor into the custody decision?
- What is joint custody?
- What is a parenting plan?
- What is split custody?
- Can I modify my custody arrangement?
- Can I leave the state with my child?
- Do step-parents have custody rights?
Child Support
- What is child support?
- How is a parent’s income determined?
- When will a court overlook the child support guidelines?
- How does child support and visitation interrelate?
- When does child support end?
- Who is responsible for college?
- Can I modify my child support?
- Do stepparents have to pay child support?
- What happens if a parent refuses to pay child support?
- What are the child support guidelines?
- Visitation
- Premarital Agreements
- Alimony
- Alternative Options
Planning a Divorce
Federal Income Tax
- Do I have to file a tax return?
- Do students have to file a tax return?
- I am a dependent. Do I have to file a tax return?
- Do I have to file a tax return if I am retired?
- Does my child have to file a tax return?
- Which tax form should I use to file my taxes?
- Which filing status should I use?
- Which filing status has the best tax rates?
- How long do I have to be married before I can file as married filing jointly?
- When is it a better idea to use the married filing separately status over the married filing jointly status?
- What is the marriage penalty?
- What is the innocent spouse rule?
- How do I qualify as a widow/widower for tax purposes?
- What is head of household?
- What is a taxpayer identification number?
- What is backup withholding?
Reporting Income
- Do I report salary & wages?
- When will I get my W-2 Form?
- If I didn’t earn very much, do I have to report the income?
- I received severance pay from my job. Do I have to pay taxes on it?
- Are my tips taxable?
- I receive disability pay from my employer. Is it taxable?
- What happens if I fail to report my tips?
- At the end of the day, I tip out to my co-workers. Am I taxed on those tips?
- My employer included allocated tips on my W-2. However, the allocated tips were actually higher than what I received. Do I have to pay taxes on this amount?
- I received a Form 1099-MISC. Do I have to pay taxes on the income?
- I received a Christmas Bonus. Do I have to pay taxes on it?
- I was unemployed for part of the year. Is unemployment compensation taxable?
- Do I have to pay taxes on workers compensation payments?
- I paid a $400 fine for breaking the law. Is that deductible?
- I’m a salesman. Are my commissions taxed?
- I took a lot of sick leave this year. Is my sick leave taxable?
- How do I report fringe benefits?
- What is a cafeteria plan?
- Am I taxed on the fringe benefits, such as health insurance, that I receive from my employer?
- Do I have to pay taxes on my Health Savings Account?
- My employer provides group life insurance. Do I have to pay taxes on the premiums?
- I have a company car. Do I have to pay taxes on the expenses on its use?
- My company pays for my commuter rail or parking. Are the benefits taxable?
- What is a flexible spending arrangement?
- My employer contributes to my retirement fund. Do I have to pay taxes on those contributions?
- How do I report dividends and interest income?
- I have a joint account. Who pays tax on the interest?
- I withdrew my Certificate of Deposit early and had to pay a penalty. Can I deduct the penalty?
- My child received interest income. Where do I report it?
- When do I pay interest on my U.S. Savings bond?
- Do I have to pay taxes on dividends?
- I receive dividends from my bank account. How do I report this income?
- I reinvest my dividends to buy more stock. Do I have to pay taxes on these dividends?
- How do I report rental income?
- I rent out part of my home. Are my mortgage and property taxes still fully deductible?
- Can I deduct private mortgage insurance premiums on rental property?
- I insist on a security deposit before renting out an apartment. Is the security deposit count as taxable income?
- Can I rent to a friend or family member at below fair market and still deduct rental expenses?
- Do I have to pay Medicare and Social Security taxes on rental income?
- What expenses qualify as rental deductions?
- How do I report Social Security and retirement benefits?
- I have a 401(k). How are my contributions taxed?
- I am receiving retirement benefits. Are they taxable?
- What are the tax consequences of cashing in my pension before retirement?
- How long do I have to roll over a retirement distribution?
- When do I qualify to receive Social Security benefits?
- Do I have to pay taxes on Social Security benefits?
- Is Social Security considered earned income for purposes of figuring the earned income credit?
- What is an IRA?
- What is a traditional IRA?
- What is a Roth IRA?
- What is a SIMPLE IRA?
- How do I report property and investment income?
- I sold my home for a substantial profit. How is it taxed?
- I sold my house for a loss. Can I deduct it?
- What are capital gains?
- What is the tax rate on capital gains?
- What’s the difference between a long-term and short-term investment?
- Can I offset my capital gains with capital losses?
- When does the holding period begin to determine long-term capital gains?
- How do I report loss on investments?
- I bought some stocks which are now worthless. Can I take a deduction on the loss?
- What is “other income”?
- What is a deduction?
- What is the standard deduction?
- What are itemized deductions?
- Should I take the standard deduction or itemize my deductions?
- Can I change the type of deduction I take after I file my return?
- How do I figure out my standard deduction?
- What is my standard deduction if I am single?
- What is my standard deduction if I am married and filing a separate return?
- What is my standard deduction if I am married and filing a joint return?
- What is my standard deduction if I am a widower?
- What is my standard deduction if I am the head of the household?
- What is my standard deduction if I am a dependent?
- What is my standard deduction if me and/or my spouse are 65 or older and/or blind?
- How is “blind” defined for the purposes of calculating my standard deduction?
- How do I figure out my itemized deductions?
- Can I deduct my moving expenses?
- What is the 50 mile distance test?
- What are the 39 week and 78 week tests?
- Can I deduct my moving expenses if I haven’t met the time test, but know I will?
- What moving expenses can I deduct?
- What moving expenses can’t I deduct?
- How do I claim and report deductible moving expenses?
- Can I deduct charitable donations?
- What organizations qualify for receiving deductible charitable donations?
- What types of contributions/donations can I deduct?
- What types of contributions/donations can’t I deduct?
- How much of my donations can I deduct?
- What are the limits to the contribution deduction?
- What types of records of my charitable donations should I keep?
- How do I claim and report deductible charitable donations?
- Is there a penalty for overvaluing donated property?
- Can I deduct interest expenses?
- What is interest expense?
- What is home mortgage interest?
- How much of my home mortgage interest can I deduct?
- What are points?
- What is investment interest?
- What are the limits to the interest expense deduction?
- How do I claim and report deductible interest expenses?
- Can I deduct tax payments?
- Can I deduct income tax?
- Can I deduct sales tax?
- Should I deduct income tax or sales tax?
- Can I deduct real estate tax?
- Can I deduct personal property tax?
- What are the limits to the taxes I can deduct?
- How do I claim and report deductible tax payments?
- Can I deduct medical and dental expenses?
- What are medical and dental expenses?
- Whose medical and dental expenses can I deduct?
- What medical and dental expenses can be included in the medical deduction?
- Can I deduct my health insurance?
- What medical and dental expenses can’t be included in the medical deduction?
- How much of my medical and dental expenses can I deduct?
- What do I do about reimbursements?
- How do I claim and report medical and dental expenses?
- Can I deduct casualty and theft losses?
- What is a casualty loss?
- What is a theft loss?
- What is a loss on deposits?
- What records do I need to prove a loss?
- How do I calculate the value of my loss?
- What is adjusted basis?
- How does insurance and reimbursement effect my deduction?
- What are the limits to the losses I can deduct?
- How do I claim and report deductible losses?
- Can I deduct job related expenses?
- Can I deduct dues and subscription fees?
- Can I deduct my uniforms and work clothes?
- Can I deduct my expenses for looking for a new job?
- Can I deduct my local transportation costs?
- What peripherals are deductible?
- What home office expenses are deductible?
- Can I deduct work-related education?
- What professional advice expenses are deductible?
- What are the limits to the job related expenses I can deduct?
- How do I claim and report deductible job expenses?
- Can I deduct travel and entertainment expenses?
- Can I deduct commuting and travel expenses?
- Can I deduct meal expenses?
- Can I deduct business trip expenses?
- Can I deduct meals and entertainment expenses?
- What records do I need for deducting travel and entertainment expenses?
- What are the limits to the travel and entertainment expenses I can deduct?
- How do I claim and report deductible travel and entertainment expenses?
- What miscellaneous expenses can I deduct?
- What are miscellaneous expenses?
- What is the 2% floor?
- How do I claim and report deductible miscellaneous expenses?
- Are there any deductions related to Hurricane Katrina relief?
- What deductions can I take if I provided housing to Hurricane Katrina evacuees?
- How much of my Katrina donations can I deduct?
- Deductions Definitions
- What is the 7.5% floor?
- What is a 50% limit organization?
- What is adjusted basis?
- What is adjusted gross income?
- What is AGI?
- What is basis?
- What is a cash contribution?
- What is a casualty loss?
- What is a deduction?
- What is a disclosure statement?
- What is the distance test?
- What is fair market value?
- What is Form 1098?
- What is grandfather debt?
- What is a home acquisition loan?
- What is a home equity loan?
- What is interest expense?
- What is an itemized deduction?
- What is the Katrina Emergency Tax Relief Act of 2005?
- What are medical and dental expenses?
- What is Publication 78?
- What is Publication 463?
- What is Publication 502?
- What is Publication 526?
- What is Publication 547?
- What is Publication 561?
- What is Publication 936?
- What is a qualified organization?
- What is the standard deduction?
- What is a theft loss?
- What is the three percent reduction?
- What is the time test?
- What is a tax credit?
- What is the child tax credit?
- What is a qualifying child?
- How do I figure out what my child tax credit is?
- What is the phaseout for the child tax credit?
- Is the child tax credit refundable?
- What is the additional child tax credit?
- What is the child and dependent care credit?
- What are the requirements to claim the child and dependent care credit?
- Who qualifies as a child or dependent for the child and dependent care credit?
- What is the earned income test?
- How much can I claim for the child and dependent care credit?
- Is the child and dependent care credit refundable?
- How do I claim the child and dependent care credit?
- What is the earned income credit (the EIC)?
- What are the requirements to claim the earned income credit?
- How much can I claim for the earned income credit?
- What is the phaseout for the earned income credit?
- Is the earned income credit refundable?
- How do I claim the earned income credit?
- What is the adoption credit?
- How much can I claim for the adoption credit?
- What are qualifying expenses for the adoption credit?
- What is the phaseout for the adoption credit?
- Is the adoption credit refundable?
- How do I claim the adoption credit?
- What is the retirement savings contributions credit?
- What are the Hope credit and lifetime learning credit?
- What is the difference between the Hope credit and the lifetime learning credit?
- Who can claim the Hope credit or the lifetime learning credit?
- Can I claim the Hope credit or the lifetime learning credit for education expenses paid for by my child or dependent?
- What education expenses qualify for the Hope credit and lifetime learning credit?
- Can I claim the Hope credit and lifetime learning credit for the same student?
- How do I claim the Hope credit?
- How do I claim the lifetime learning credit?
- What is the phaseout for the Hope credit and the lifetime learning credit?
- What is the qualified electric vehicle credit?
- What is the alternative motor vehicle credit?
- What is the nonbusiness energy property credit?
- What is the residential energy efficient property credit?
- What is the Federal Excise Tax Refund Credit?
- What is an exemption?
- What is a personal exemption?
- Can I claim a personal exemption for my spouse?
- Can I claim an exemption for my dependents?
- What is a qualifying child?
- What is the relationship test?
- What is the residence test?
- What is the age test?
- What is the support test?
- What if more than one person can claim a qualifying child?
- What is a qualifying relative?
- What is the exemption phaseout?
- What is self-employment tax?
- Who has to pay self-employment tax?
- How do I know if I am self-employed or an employee?
- If I am a partner in a partnership, do I have to pay self-employment tax?
- What is self-employment income?
- How do I calculate my self-employment tax?
- How do other wages affect self-employment tax?
- What is a Keogh plan?
- What is the 50% self-employment tax deduction?
- How do I file and pay my self-employment tax?
- Alternative Minimum Tax (AMT)
- Google AdSense
Tax Law Changes
- What changes or additions have been made for the 2006 tax year?
- Why are my 2006 taxes due on April 17, 2007?
- What is the standard deduction for 2006?
- What is the one-time federal telephone excise tax credit?
- How much can I claim for the earned income credit for 2006?
- What are the earned income phaseout limits for 2006?
- What are the income limits for the Hope and Lifetime Learning credits in 2006?
- What is the maximum amount of the Hope credit for 2006?
- What amount can I claim for personal exemptions in 2006?
- How does the phaseout of personal exemptions work in 2006?
- What is the 2% reduction for itemized deductions?
- What is the 2006 exemption for the alternative minimum tax?
- What is the 2006 standard mileage rate for business use of a vehicle?
- For 2006, what types of charitable clothing and household item donations can I deduct?
- For 2006, what is the minimum earned income used in calculating the additional child tax credit?
- What is the new alternative motor vehicle credit?
- What is the maximum qualified electric vehicle credit for 2006?
- What is the new nonbusiness energy property credit?
- What is the new residential energy efficient property credit?
HR/Employment Law
- What legal steps should I take in employment recruiting?
- What is legal when advertising for an employee?
- When is discrimination allowed?
- What would an illegal ad contain?
- During the application and interview process, what qualifications can an employer look for?
- What is an employment contract?
- What is an independent contractor?
- What is the difference between an independent contractor and an employee?
- Should I hire an independent contractor or an employee?
- What types of employment screening are allowed?
- Are background checks legal?
- Is drug testing legal?
- Am I required to take a physical?
- Is testing for HIV or AIDS legal?
- Is English testing legal?
- Do I have to give references?
- Are polygraph tests legal?
- What is applicant tracking?
Sexual Harassment
- What is sexual harassment?
- What are the types of sexual harassment?
- What is Quid Pro Quo Sexual Harassment?
- What is a hostile working environment?
- If sexual conduct is consensual, can it still be considered sexual harassment?
- How severe does the sexual activity have to be before it is considered harassment?
- Do romantic relationships between co-workers amount to sexual harassment?
- What should employers do to prevent sexual harassment?
- What is a sexual harassment policy?
- What procedures should be put in place to deal with sexual harassment complaints?
- If an employee doesn’t complain, can an employer still be held liable for sexual harassment?
- If you are sexually harassed, what should you do?
- What reasons does my employer have offer to fire me?
- Can I be fired for no reason at all?
- If I am a union member, can I be fired for no reason?
- If I work for the federal, state or local government (a public employee) can I be fired for no reason?
- Does my employer have to notify me in advance that I’m being fired?
- What is wrongful termination?
- What is retaliation?
- Can I be fired for whistleblowing?
- What is the Sarbanes Oxley Act?
- What is Qui Tam (the False Claims Act)?
- What is severance pay?
- Am I legally entitled to severance pay?
- Do I have to sign a waiver signing away my rights to sue in order to receive severance pay?
- What is unemployment compensation?
Wages and Benefits
- What is the Fair Labor Standards Act?
- What Employees are covered by the FLSA?
- Who is covered by the FLSA?
- What are payday rules?
- Does the FLSA require severance pay, sick leave, vacations, or holidays?
- How must employees be paid?
- What may an employer deduct from an employer’s paycheck?
- What are the record-keeping requirements under the Fair Labor Standards Act?
- What does the FLSA say about child labor?
- Should I be paid for lunch and rest breaks?
- Are employers required to post federal wage and hour posters?
- What is the minimum wage?
- What are the wage laws for employees receiving tips?
- How does the minimum wage law apply to youth workers?
- What are the overtime pay requirements?
- Am I entitled to overtime for working on weekends, holidays, or at night?
- How much overtime pay am I entitled to?
- Do I have to take compensatory time in lieu of overtime pay?
- Should I file a claim against my employer for violating the FLSA?
- What is the Equal Pay Act?
- When is unequal pay not a violation of the Equal Pay Act?
- What does ‘similar work’ mean under the Equal Pay Act?
- Am I entitled to health insurance?
- What is COBRA and am I entitled to it?
- What is ERISA?
- What is the Family and Medical Leave Act?
- Is my employer covered by the FMLA?
- Who is considered eligible for FMLA leave?
- If I take 12 weeks of FMLA leave, am I entitled to return to the same position at the end of my leave?
- Can a husband take FMLA leave for his wife’s childbirth?
- Do I have to give notice to take FMLA leave?
- Can FMLA leave be factored into decisions regarding promotions or raises?
- What constitutes “close family member” for purposes of the FMLA?
- How long do I need to work before I qualify for FMLA?
- How often can I take FMLA leave?
- Does FMLA leave extend to same sex partners or domestic partnerships?
Workers Comp & OSHA
- What is OSHA?
- What does OSHA say about restrooms & proper hygiene in the workplace?
- What does OSHA say about equipment in the workplace?
- What does OSHA say about smoking in the workplace?
- What does OSHA say about fire safety, toxic waste, and first aid kits in the workplace?
- What does OSHA say about workplace temperature, lighting, and noise levels?
- What is the Right to Know Law?
- What are Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS)?
- What are the inspection laws with regard to chemical exposure?
- What is a Hazard Communication Plan?
- How can I report a Safety Violation?
- What is Safety Training?
- What is workers compensation?
- What are the responsibilities of an employee injured on the job?
- How much compensation does my injury entitle me to?
- Am I entitled to benefits if my spouse dies in a work-related accident?
- Are there instances when an injured employee is allowed to sue the employer?
- Must I be injured at my workplace to be covered by workers comp?
- Are all workers covered by workers comp insurance?
- What are the employer’s responsibilities if an employee is injured on the job?
- Is my employer required to provide workers compensation coverage?
- Workplace Discrimination
Intellectual Property
- What is a patent?
- What is a utility patent?
- What is a design patent?
- What is a plant patent?
- What is the public domain?
- How long does a patent last?
- How long does a utility patent last?
- How long does a design patent last?
- What happens when a patent expires?
- Who can get a patent?
- How can I get a patent?
- Where does a patent come from?
- What is a patent application?
- Can a patent application be filed online?
- What is a continuation application?
- What is a continuation-in-part application?
- What is a provisional patent application?
- What does patent pending mean?
- When do I have to file a patent application?
- What is the “first to invent” rule?
- What is patent priority?
- What happens if my patent application is granted?
- What happens if my patent application is rejected?
- Can I get a patent without a lawyer?
- Who can practice law before the PTO?
- What is a patent attorney?
- What is a patent agent?
- How do I do a patent search?
- Why should I do a patent search?
- What are the requirements for getting a patent?
- What can I patent?
- What is patentable subject matter?
- What is not patentable subject matter?
- What is the novelty requirement?
- What is prior art?
- What is the utility requirement?
- What is the nonobviousness requirement?
- What is the difference between the novelty requirement and the nonobviousness requirement?
- What is the enablement requirement?
- Can I patent a process?
- Can I patent a machine?
- Can I patent a living thing?
- Is the human genome patentable?
- Can I patent a business method?
- Does a business method have to relate to the technological arts?
- Can I patent computer software?
- How is a computer software patent different from a software copyright?
- Can I patent a law of nature?
- Can I patent a mathematical formula?
- Can I patent an idea?
- What is patent infringement?
- What types of legal disputes arise over patents?
- How is a patent infringed?
- How is patent infringement determined?
- What is the difference between contributory infringement and induced infringement?
- What happens if I infringe someone’s patent?
- What are the penalties for patent infringement?
- What can I do if someone is infringing my patent?
- How can I use something that is patented by someone else?
- What laws govern patents?
- How is a patent different from a copyright?
- How is a patent different from a trademark?
- How is a patent different from a trade secret?
- Patent Definitions
- What is anticipation?
- What is an article of manufacture?
- What is assignment?
- What is the best mode requirement?
- What is a business method?
- What is a continuation application?
- What is a continuation-in-part application?
- What is contributory infringement?
- What is a dependant claim?
- What is a design patent?
- What is direct infringement?
- What is the doctrine of equivalents?
- What is EFS?
- What is enablement?
- What is the “first to file” rule?
- What is the “first to invent” rule?
- What is an independent claim?
- What is induced infringement?
- What is inequitable conduct?
- What is infringement?
- What is an interference proceeding?
- What is an ITC action?
- What is an invention?
- What are joint inventors?
- What is a license?
- What is a machine?
- What is the nonobviousness requirement?
- What is the novelty requirement?
- What is an office action?
- What is ordinary skill in the art?
- What is a patent?
- What is a patent agent?
- What is a patent attorney?
- What is a patent claim?
- What is patent pending?
- What is patent prosecution?
- What is a patent specification?
- What is patentable subject matter?
- What is a plant patent?
- What is prior art?
- What is priority?
- What is a process?
- What is a process claim?
- What is a product claim?
- What is prosecution history estoppel?
- What is a provisional patent application?
- What is the PTO?
- What is the public domain?
- What is reduction to practice?
- What is reexamination?
- What is the research exemption?
- What is the USPTO registration exam?
- What is the utility requirement?
- What is a utility patent?
- What is a copyright?
- How long does a copyright last?
- How long does a copyright last for a work created after January 1, 1978?
- How long does a copyright last for a work created and published before January 1, 1978?
- How long does a copyright last for a work created before January 1, 1978 but published later?
- How long does a copyright last for a work created before January 1, 1978 but never published?
- How long does a copyright last for a work created before January 1, 1923?
- Who can get a copyright?
- What is an author?
- What is the difference between ownership of a copyright and ownership of an embodiment?
- What is a joint work?
- What is a work made for hire?
- What is a collective work?
- How can I get a copyright?
- What is the Copyright Office?
- Do I have to deposit a copy of my work?
- What is a federal copyright registration?
- What are the benefits of registering my copyright?
- How do I apply for a copyright registration?
- What is preregistration?
- How do I renew my copyright registration?
- What is copyright notice?
- Where should the copyright notice go?
- Do I have to use copyright notice?
- What happens if something is published without a copyright notice?
- What form must the copyright notice be?
- What happens if there is an error in the copyright notice?
- What does the (c) symbol mean?
- What can be protected by copyright?
- What is the difference between ideas and expressions?
- What is originality?
- What is fixation?
- What is a tangible medium?
- What works can be protected by copyright?
- What is a work of authorship?
- What qualifies as a literary work?
- What qualifies as a musical work?
- What qualifies as a dramatic work?
- What qualifies as a pantomime or choreographic work?
- What qualifies as a pictorial, graphic or sculptural work?
- What qualifies as a motion picture or audiovisual work?
- What qualifies as a sound recording?
- What is the difference between a musical work and a sound recording?
- What qualifies as an architectural work?
- What is a compilation?
- What is a derivative work?
- Can software be protected by copyright?
- Can immoral or obscene works be protected by copyright?
- What cannot be protected by copyright?
- What is “scenes a faire?”
- What is the merger doctrine?
- Can government works be protected by copyright?
- What is the public domain?
- What rights are protected by copyright?
- What is the right to reproduce?
- What are the exceptions to the right to reproduce?
- What is the right to prepare derivative works?
- What is the right to distribute?
- What are the exceptions to the right to distribute?
- What is the first sale doctrine?
- What is the right of public performance?
- What are the exceptions to the right of public performance?
- What are performing rights societies?
- What is the right of public display?
- What are the exceptions to the right of public display?
- What is the right of public performance of sound recordings?
- What is a compulsory license?
- What are moral rights?
- How do I enforce my copyright?
- What is copyright infringement?
- What is direct infringement?
- Does it matter if someone intended to infringe a copyright?
- What is unauthorized copying?
- What is indirect infringement?
- What is contributory infringement?
- What is vicarious infringement?
- What was the Grokster case about?
- What are the remedies for copyright infringement?
- What are statutory damages?
- Is independent creation a defense to copyright infringement?
- How can I use information that is copyrighted by someone else?
- What is the Creative Commons?
- What are the creative commons licenses?
- What is attribution?
- What is non-commercial?
- What is “no derivative works?”
- What is “share alike?”
- What is an attribution non-commercial no derivatives license?
- What is an attribution non-commercial share alike license?
- What is an attribution non-commercial license?
- What is an attribution no derivatives license?
- What is an attribution share alike license?
- What is an attribution license?
- What is the public domain dedication?
- What laws govern copyrights?
- What is the Copyright Act of 1976?
- What is section 101?
- What is section 102?
- What is section 103?
- What is section 106?
- What is the Sonny Bono Act?
- What is the Digital Millennium Copyright Act?
- What is the Architectural Works Copyright Protection Act?
- What is the Berne Convention?
- How is a copyright different from a patent?
- How is a copyright different from a trademark?
- How is a copyright different from a trade secret?
- Copyright Definitions
- What is the adaptation right?
- What is an anonymous work?
- What is an architectural work?
- What is assignment?
- What is attribution?
- What is an attribution license?
- What is an attribution no derivatives license?
- What is an attribution non-commercial license?
- What is an attribution non-commercial no derivatives license?
- What is an attribution non-commercial share alike license?
- What is an attribution share alike license?
- What is an audiovisual work?
- What is an author?
- What is the Berne Convention?
- What is a blanket license?
- What is a collective work?
- What is common law copyright?
- What is a compilation?
- What is a compulsory license?
- What is contributory infringement?
- What is a copy?
- What is a copyright?
- What is copyright notice?
- What is the Creative Commons?
- What are the creative commons licenses?
- What is a deposit?
- What is a derivative work?
- What is the display right?
- What is the distribution right?
- What is the DMCA?
- What is fair use?
- What is the first sale doctrine?
- What is fixation?
- What is the idea-expression dichotomy?
- What is infringement?
- What is innocent infringement?
- What is an instructional text?
- What are joint authors?
- What is a joint work?
- What is a license?
- What is a literary work?
- What is the merger doctrine?
- What are moral rights?
- What is a motion picture?
- What is a musical work?
- What is “no derivative works?”
- What is non-commercial?
- What is an omission of notice?
- What is originality?
- What is a performance?
- What is the performance right?
- What is a phonorecord?
- What is a pictorial, graphic or sculptural work?
- What is a pseudonymous work?
- What is publication?
- What is the reproduction right?
- What is the right of attribution?
- What is the right of integrity?
- What is sampling?
- What is “share alike?”
- What is a sound recording?
- What is a supplementary work?
- What is a tangible medium?
- What is a work of authorship?
- What is a work of visual art?
- What is a work made for hire?
- What is droit morale?
- What is a trademark?
- What does a trademark protect?
- What rights does having a trademark give me?
- What types of marks are there?
- What is a service mark?
- What is a collective mark?
- What is a certification mark?
- What is trade dress?
- What are goods and services?
- How long does a trademark last?
- How long does a federal trademark registration last?
- How long does a state trademark registration last?
- How long does a common law trademark last?
- Who can get a trademark?
- How can I get a trademark?
- Can I get a trademark without a lawyer?
- Should I do a trademark search?
- How do I do a trademark search?
- What is the difference between TESS and TARR?
- Do I have to register my trademark?
- What is the Principal Register?
- What is the Supplemental Register?
- What are the benefits of registering my trademark?
- How can I get a federal trademark registration?
- What is intent to use?
- How can I get a state trademark registration?
- How can I get state common law protection for my trademark?
- How long does it take to get a trademark?
- How do I apply for a federal trademark registration?
- What is the Patent and Trademark Office?
- What are the parts of a trademark application?
- How do I identify the goods and services in a trademark application?
- How do I depict my mark in a trademark application?
- How do I file a trademark application?
- How long does it take for my trademark application to be processed?
- How can I check the status of my trademark application?
- What happens after I file my trademark application?
- How is my trademark application reviewed?
- Why might my trademark application be rejected?
- What happens if my trademark application is rejected?
- What happens if I do not respond to an office action?
- What happens if my trademark application is granted?
- What is a statement of use?
- What happens if I do not file a statement of use?
- What things can I trademark?
- What does it mean for a trademark to be distinctive?
- What is secondary meaning?
- What is an arbitrary or fanciful mark?
- What is a suggestive mark?
- What is a descriptive mark?
- How can I tell if a mark is descriptive?
- What is an example of a descriptive mark?
- What is a generic mark?
- How do I prove that my mark has secondary meaning?
- What is a word mark?
- Can I protect trade dress?
- Can I protect sound as a trademark?
- Can I protect a scent or fragrance as a trademark?
- Can I protect a color as a trademark?
- What is a composite mark?
- Can I use my domain name as a trademark?
- What things can't I trademark?
- What can’t I register as a trademark?
- What is a generic mark?
- What is genericide?
- How can I avoid genericide of my trademark?
- What is an immoral or scandalous mark?
- What is deceptive or deceptively misdescriptive?
- Can a geographic term be protected as a trademark?
- Can a surname be protected as a trademark?
- How do I enforce my trademark rights?
- How do I police my trademark?
- What is an opposition proceeding?
- What is trademark notice?
- Do I have to include a notice with my trademark?
- What does the TM symbol mean?
- What does the SM symbol mean?
- What does the (R) symbol mean?
- What is trademark infringement?
- What is the test for trademark infringement?
- What is likelihood of confusion?
- How is likelihood of confusion determined?
- What is an incontestable trademark?
- What are the remedies for trademark infringement?
- What is dilution?
- What is a famous trademark?
- How can I use someone else's trademark?
- How can I buy someone’s trademark?
- How can I license someone’s trademark?
- What is a consent to use agreement?
- Can a trademark be canceled?
- What is a cancellation proceeding?
- What is the basis for a trademark being canceled?
- What laws govern trademarks?
- How is a trademark different from a copyright?
- How is a trademark different from a patent?
- How is a trademark different from a trade secret?
- Trademark Definitions
- What is abandonment?
- What is an affidavit of use?
- What is an Application for Renewal?
- What is an arbitrary mark?
- What is an assignment?
- What is an assignment in gross?
- What is blurring?
- What is cancellation?
- What is a cancellation proceeding?
- What is a cease and desist letter?
- What is a Certificate of Registration?
- What is a certification mark?
- What is a collective mark?
- What is commerce?
- What is a common law trademark?
- What is a composite mark?
- What is confusion?
- What is a consent to use agreement?
- What is a counterfeit mark?
- What is a deceptive mark?
- What is a deceptively misdescriptive mark?
- What is a descriptive mark?
- What is dilution?
- What is a distinctive mark?
- What is a famous trademark?
- What is a fanciful mark?
- What is the Federal Trademark Dilution Act?
- What is functionality?
- What is a generic mark?
- What is genericide?
- What is a geographically descriptive mark?
- What is a geographically deceptively misdescriptive mark?
- What are goods and services?
- What is an incontestability affidavit?
- What is an incontestable trademark?
- What is infringement?
- What is inherently distinctive?
- What is intent to use?
- What is interstate commerce?
- What is a junior user?
- What is the Lanham Act?
- What is likelihood of confusion?
- What is a license?
- What is a mark?
- What is the Official Gazette?
- What is opposition?
- What is an opposition proceeding?
- What is the Principal Register?
- What is the PTO?
- What is secondary meaning?
- What is a Section 8 affidavit?
- What is a Section 9 renewal application?
- What is a Section 15 affidavit?
- What is a senior user?
- What is a serial number?
- What is a service mark?
- What is a specimen?
- What is a statement of use?
- What is a suggestive mark?
- What is the Supplemental Register?
- What is tarnishment?
- What is TARR?
- What is the TTAB?
- What is TEAS?
- What is TESS?
- What is the TMEP?
- What is trade dress?
- What is a trade name?
- What is a trademark?
- What is the Trademark Applications and Registration Retrieval database?
- What is the Trademark Electronic Search System?
- What is trademark infringement?
- What is the Trademark Manual of Examining Procedures?
- What is a trademark notice?
- What is the Trademark Trial and Appeal Board?
- What is a watch report?
Trade Secrets
- What is a trade secret?
- How long does a trade secret last?
- Who can get a trade secret?
- How can I get a trade secret?
- What kind of value does a trade secret need to have?
- How secret do I have to keep my trade secret?
- Should I patent something or keep it a trade secret?
- What kind of things can I protect as a trade secret?
- Does a trade secret need to be novel?
- Does a trade secret need to have utility?
- What is a formula?
- What is a pattern?
- What is a compilation?
- What is a program?
- What is a device?
- What is a method, technique or process?
- What kind of things can't I protect as a trade secret?
- How can I protect my trade secret?
- How do I enforce my trade secret rights?
- What is trade secret misappropriation?
- What happens when someone with access to my trade secret steals it?
- What happens when a stranger steals my trade secret?
- What are improper means for learning of a trade secret?
- What is improper acquisition?
- What is improper disclosure?
- What is improper use?
- What is reverse engineering?
- What if I did not improperly take the trade secret?
- What are the remedies for trade secret misappropriation?
- How can I use someone else's trade secret?
- What laws govern trade secrets?
- How is a trade secret different from a patent?
- How is a trade secret different from a copyright?
- How is a trade secret different from a trademark?
- Trade Secret Definitions
- What is a compilation?
- What is a confidentiality agreement?
- What is a covenant not to compete?
- What is a device?
- What is a formula?
- What is improper acquisition?
- What is improper disclosure?
- What is improper use?
- What is independent creation?
- What is a method, technique or process?
- What is misappropriation?
- What is an NDA?
- What is a noncompetition agreement?
- What is a nondisclosure agreement?
- What is a pattern?
- What is a program?
- What is public disclosure?
- What is reverse engineering?
- What is a trade secret?
- What is trade secret misappropriation?
- What is the Uniform Trade Secrets Act?
- What is the UTSA?
Personal Injury Law
- An Overview of Tort Law
Types of Injuries
- What is wrongful death?
- What is defamation?
- What is a slip and fall accident?
- How do I prove fault in a slip and fall accident?
- Can I recover if I am partially at fault?
- Are property owners liable for the injuries of children or trespassers?
- What is the law on auto accidents?
- What is the role of auto insurance?
- If I am at blame, should I volunteer my guilt?
- How do I prove fault?
- Am I liable for injuries to my passengers?
- What is whiplash?
- What are birth injuries?
- What are the laws on dog bites?
- What is the law on mesothelioma (asbestosis)?
- What is silicosis?
- What are brain injuries?
- What is toxic mold?
- What is intentional infliction of emotional distress?
- What is Benzene exposure?
- What is the law on railroad injuries?
Medical Malpractice
- What is medical malpractice?
- What is informed consent?
- What is the role of an expert witness in medical malpractice claims?
- Can a hospital turn me away if I can’t pay?
- My procedure wasn’t successful. Can I sue for malpractice?
- What is the defibrillator recall?
- What are Baxter pump lawsuits?
- What are Biomet Hip Replacements?
- What is the Medtronics recall?
- What Charite Spinal Discs?
- What are heart valve recalls?
- What are human tissue lawsuits?
- What is the law on defective drugs?
- Money Matters
Personal Injury Law Definitions
- Personal Injury Law Definitions
- What is alteration of product?
- What is an annuity?
- What is assumption of risk?
- What is an attractive nuisance?
- What is breach of warranty?
- What is comparative negligence?
- What is contributory negligence?
- What is a design defect?
- What is failure to warn?
- What is an invitee?
- What is joint and several liability?
- What is a licensee?
- What is libel?
- What is loss of consortium?
- What is a manufacturing defect?
- What is misuse of product?
- What is negligence?
- What is a notice of loss?
- What is the patent danger rule?
- What are punitive damages?
- What is res ipsa loquitur?
- What is respondeat superior?
- What is slander?
- What is the state of the art defense?
- What is a statute of limitations?
- What is the statute of repose?
- What is a trespasser?
- What is a tortfeasor?
- What is vicarious liability?
Trusts and Estates
- What happens to a person's property when they die?
- What is estate administration?
- How is an estate administered?
- What property is not part of the estate?
- What is an inter vivos transfer?
- What is a gift in trust?
- What are future interests?
- What is tenancy in common?
- What is joint tenancy?
- What is tenancy by the entirety?
- What is community property?
- What is life insurance?
- What is intestacy?
- What are intestacy statutes?
- What is right of representation distribution?
- What is per capita with representation distribution?
- What is per capita at each generation distribution?
- Who qualifies as children for the intestacy statutes?
- What is a survival period?
- How is an estate divided when the decedent's spouse is still alive?
- How is an estate divided when the decedent has children?
- How is an estate divided when the decedent's parents and siblings are still alive?
- How is the estate divided when there are no surviving spouses, children, parents or siblings?
- What is escheat?
- How do I know which state's laws to use?
- What is a will?
- What is legal capacity?
- What is testamentary capacity?
- What is testamentary intent?
- What are will formalities?
- What happens if I get married after executing my will but I don’t change it?
- What happens if I get divorced after executing my will but I don’t change it?
- What happens if my will does not include one or more of my children?
- What happens if one of my intended heirs dies before me?
- What are anti-lapse statutes?
- What is cy pres?
- What types of wills are there?
- What is an attested will?
- What is a holographic will?
- What is a nuncupative will?
- What is a conditional will?
- What is a codicil?
- How can a will be revoked?
- How is a will revoked by law?
- How is a will physically revoked?
- How is a will revoked by a new will or codicil?
- Can a will be partially revoked?
- What is a revival?
- How can a will be challenged?
- Who can challenge a will?
- What are the reasons a will can be challenged?
- When can a will be challenged?
- Can a will be challenged because of insane delusions?
- Can a will be challenged because of undue influence?
- Can a will be challenged because of duress?
- Can a will be challenged because of fraud?
- Can a will be challenged because of mistake?
- What happens if a will is successfully challenged?
- How can I avoid having my will challenged?
- What is a testamentary gift?
- What is a trust?
- What is the purpose of a trust?
- What is a private trust?
- What is a charitable trust?
- What is an honorary trust?
- What is a mandatory trust?
- What is a discretionary trust?
- What is a support trust?
- What is an inter vivos trust?
- What is a testamentary trust?
- What is a constructive trust?
- How is a trust created?
- What is the difference between legal title and equitable title?
- What is a declaration of trust?
- What is a transfer in trust?
- Does a trust have to be written?
- What purposes can I create a trust for?
- What property can I include in a trust?
- What are the requirements for the person creating the trust (the settlor)?
- Are there different requirements for a charitable trust?
- What is a trustee of a trust?
- Who can serve as the trustee of a trust?
- Can there be more than one trustee of a trust?
- What are the trustee’s duties?
- What powers does the trustee have?
- What is the trustee’s duty of loyalty?
- How much discretion does the trustee have?
- Does a trustee get compensation?
- How can a trustee resign?
- What is a beneficiary of a trust?
- What are the requirements for a trust beneficiary?
- What is a disclaimer?
- Can a beneficiary transfer his or her interest in a trust?
- What is a spendthrift restriction?
- Can a trust be modified?
- How can a court modify a trust?
- What is a deviation?
- What is cy pres?
- How can the parties to a trust modify it?
- How can a trust be terminated?
- What happens if there is a dispute over a trust?
- State Probate Codes
Trusts and Estates Definitions
- Trusts and Estates Definitions
- What is abatement?
- What is ademption?
- What is an administrator?
- What is an administratrix?
- What are anti-lapse statutes?
- What is an attested will?
- What is a beneficiary?
- What is a bequest?
- What is a charitable trust?
- What is a codicil?
- What is a conditional gift?
- What is a conditional will?
- What is a condition precedent?
- What is a condition subsequent?
- What is a constructive trust?
- What is cy pres?
- What is a decedent?
- What is a declaration of trust?
- What is a deviation?
- What is a devise?
- What is a disclaimer?
- What is a discretionary trust?
- What is a donor?
- What is escheat?
- What is estate administration?
- What is an executor?
- What is an executrix?
- What is a forced share?
- What are future interests?
- What is a general gift?
- What is a gift?
- What is an heir apparent?
- What is a holographic will?
- What is an honorary trust?
- What is an inter vivos transfer?
- What is an inter vivos trust?
- What is intestacy?
- What are intestacy statutes?
- What is joint tenancy?
- What is a joint tenant?
- What are letters of administration?
- What are letters testamentary?
- What is life insurance?
- What is a living trust?
- What is a mandatory trust?
- What is a merger?
- What is a nuncupative will?
- What is nonprobate property?
- What is per capita at each generation distribution?
- What is per capita with representation distribution?
- What is a personal representative?
- What is per stirpes?
- What is a pretermitted heir?
- What is a private trust?
- What is a probate estate?
- What is a public trust?
- What is a residuary gift?
- What is a settlor?
- What is right of representation distribution?
- What is satisfaction?
- What is a specific gift?
- What is a spendthrift restriction?
- What is a support trust?
- What is tenancy in common?
- What is a tenant in common?
- What is a testamentary gift?
- What is a testamentary trust?
- What is a transfer in trust?
- What is a trust?
- What is a trustee?
- What is a will?
- What is a will contest?