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The Daily Memo - 8/16/06
Seriously dude, you get arrested a 227th time and you’ll be in serious trouble. (CNN)
If you care about revocable trusts and elected shares, you might wanna’ see what an Iowa court has to say about things. (Wills, Trusts & Estates Prof Blog)
Lawrence Lessig, a Stanford law professor and well-known opponent to many aspects of the current federal intellectual property scheme, is urging folks to use Creative Common licenses rather than simply relying on current copyright law. (c|net)
A federal judge in San Francisco has ruled that two reporters must testify about how they got Barry Bond’s grand jury testimony. (SI)
The download service movieland.com has been sued by the state of Washington for allegedly using spyware to bully folks into joining its service. (Network World)
Chicago’s city council is about to be sued over the local foie gras ban. (Chicago Sun-Times)
A lawsuit is being threatened over the upcoming “Bully” video game. (Bit-Tech)
A Chicago-area woman is suing a shopping center with allegations that it helped and induced a squirrel to attack her. (CBS2)