question.jpgIn Criminal law

How do I get my bail lowered or waived?

At your bail hearing, a judge will decide on matters of bail. During this hearing, it is advisable to have an attorney present to argue your case. However, you can represent yourself. If you decide to do so, you should understand the factors a judge will consider when deciding bail. You should try to convince the judge that you don’t pose a physical threat or a danger to community, that you have no previous criminal record (if that is the case), and if you do have a previous criminal record, that you’ve made all your court appearances. Moreover, a defendant should convince the judge of strong ties to the community, such as close family or employment ties. In fact, it wouldn’t hurt to have a family member or an employer to vouch for you at the bail hearing.

If the judge refuses to waive bail or lower it, a judge can always reconsider if, at a later time, you hire a lawyer to represent you or introduce additional evidence to prove that you aren’t a threat.