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Twitter, Like Rock n Roll, is Here to Stay
Also, like Rock n Roll, it’s sure to be homogenized, corporatized, and rendered completely irrelevant in a matter of months. Jon Stewart is here to help the cause.
Elsewhere, Bill Maher, too, takes a swipe at Twitter, iPhone apps, and Snuggies.
The backlash has begun in earnest, folks. But then again, without Twitter, we’d have never been blessed with Felicia Day’s wonderful Twitter incident.
Don't worry Dustin, I'm young, and I hate both Twitter and texting. I want to smash a cell phone into oblivion every time I see some asshole texting.
Posted by George | March 4, 2009 1:55 PM
The Snuggie is a robe you wear backwards, without the handy tie to keep it secure. I.. don't understand.
Posted by Lisa | March 4, 2009 7:57 PM
I have a Snuggie, in my town we call it a SWEATER. Stupidest commercial I have ever seen.
And Twittering, OMG, like i need to know that you just scuffed your shoe on the way to the bathroom.
The one time in life I actually agree with Mill Maher
Posted by lawonthestreet | March 16, 2009 11:38 PM