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Turn ons include walks on the beach, red wine, and finding people guilty of murder

jurorbadge.gifDon’t ever say that we here at QuizLaw don’t appreciate a good romance. Take, for example, the tale of Tracy Nagy and Jonathan Cinkay. Last year, both received lovely little jury summons and they found themselves sitting on the same jury - Cinkay was Juror Number 6. while Nagy was Alternate Juror Number 3. The two had never met before, but according to the Daily News, they “made goo-goo eyes on the first day of trial.” After some prompting from other jury members, the two enjoyed a lovely lunch together, and things just blossomed from there. Said Nagy about serving on a juror with her beau: “It was a very good way to get to know someone.”

By the end of last year, the couple was engaged, and next month they’ll be married by Justice Daniel Lewis who was the judge presiding over the original murder trial. Lewis said he didn’t realize there was matchmaking going on during the trial, although he did think the jury seemed a bit more happy and “beaming” than most of the serious and somber juries he’s used to.

Of course, the real question is - will they invite the convicted murderer to the wedding? After all, they never would’ve met if it hadn’t been for him, right?