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It’s Time to Put a Stop to These Menaces of Society
Out in Illinois, a 13-year-old school girl, Megan Coulter, had the fucking audacity — the terroristic gumption — to approach one of her classmates, in broad daylight, and give her a warm hug.
This has got to stop, people. I don’t even understand a how a school would let it get that far in the first place — a hug! On school grounds. We are so fucked as a society. I mean, if girls are running around and hugging their classmates without the slightest compunction, what’s next? High-fives? Secret handshakes? No sir, we have to nip. this. in. the. bud. before moral decay sets in and rots and festers like a gangrenous wound.
Fortunately, Megan Coulter — harlot — was given detention for two days for her actions. Personally, I don’t think that’s enough. She has to be made an example. She should be taken out back, behind the school, and shot between the eyes in front of the rest of her classmates. Nothing less than public execution will right the ways of the morally wicked.
Gah. I’m trembling, just thinking about the promiscuity of that little girl. Sick. Degenerate. Filth.
As much as it pains me to admit, this madness went down 20 minutes from where I was raised. In fact, it was the front page story of our local paper today. Seriously: http://www.bnd.com/homepage/story/171432.html
Posted by KeffiKeffe | November 6, 2007 10:17 PM
Take it as a shout out Keffikeffe. I live in Syracuse where the Car Wash dancing doctor fucked up his patient with a drill. Whoo Hoo! Represent.
Posted by greer | November 7, 2007 9:40 PM
that is some cold-hearted business right there. The rule in the handbook is against "displays of affection." somebody's a strict constructionist... lookin at you mr. vice principal
Posted by RC | November 8, 2007 11:06 AM